Please note – Size, colour and sex may vary. Many of our livestock species are sold as juveniles and have not yet reached their full size and colour potential.
Scientific Name: 
Badis Badis Burmanicus
Approximate purchase size: 
How easy are they to care for?
Relatively easy to take care of. This species will thrive in a well-structured set-up with a sand or gravel substrate plus plenty of water-worn rocks and pebbles to provide cover. Some cave-like structures should be included to act as potential spawning sites.
How large can they grow?
Where in the world are they from?
They are found in Myanmar, northern Thailand and Luang Prabang province, Laos.
What is the ideal number to keep together?
Only a single pair or one male and several females should be purchased but in roomier surroundings a group can coexist provided there is space for each male to establish a territory and plenty of broken lines of sight.
What water conditions do they require?
Will accept temperatures from 23 to 26°C and a pH range between 6.5 -7.3.
What should you feed them?
Any flake food offered to Badis Ruber will usually be ignored. They prefer to be given live or frozen foods which they will consume eagerly. Bloodworms, brine shrimp and white worms are ideal.
How compatible are they with other fish?
Keep with peaceful fish such as Harlequin Rasboras or Pygmy Corydoras. Should not be kept with similar-sized territorial bottom dwellers such as Dwarf Cichlids, nor with other species of Badis as they may hybridise. These fish are also likely to nip at or eat shrimp.
Can they be bred in captivity?
Yes, easily. The Badis Ruber are cave spawners so plant pots or artificial caves must be provided to act as spawning sites. These fish do not pair as such but they will spawn in groups. Once the eggs are laid the male will guard the nest often driving the female away. When the fry are free swimming and have left the cave, they can be fed on newly hatched brine shrimp.