How to Showcase Your Aquarium Fish on Social Media
Tropical fish come in an array of stunning colours, offering a unique way to bring elegance and beauty to your home.
However, taking a gorgeous snap of your aquarium can be tricky, with the glare of LED lights and accessories such as aquariums filters getting in the way.
If you are a proud fish owner and want to take some striking aquarium shots, the AllPondSolutions team runs through some tips we've learned along the way!
Always Clean Your Aquarium and Aquarium Filter First
The first step is to give your aquarium a good clean. Grubby glass and murky water won't showcase your best photography skills.
It's worth ensuring your Internal Filters have new Filter Media, and you've used Aquarium Cleaning Tools such as a floating cleaner, gravel vacuum or glass cleaner to remove any debris.
Aquarium UV Sterilisers are also a great option since, along with activated carbon, this will ensure your water clarity is excellent.
Switch Off Your Aquariums Filters and LED Lights Temporarily
While your fish need an aquarium filter and LED lights to be safe and well, it's OK to turn these off for a short time while you take your images.
Don't be tempted to feed your fish first - it might make them more active but will often cloud the water and ruin the effect.
Set Up Your Aquarium For a Perfect Tropical Fish Photo
The best aquarium photography usually works in a reasonably dark room, with the illumination coming from the tank. Alternatively, direct lighting at a strategic angle.
Choosing decorative aquarium & fish tank ornaments will add interest, as will a few aquarium plants.
Check the lighting direction, so you don't throw a shadow over the tank, and take your time - small, zippy fish can take longer to be in the right place, so patience is essential.